Lviv art café UNDER KLEPSYDRA / Poczytanka Club, Przejście Garncarskie 2, Wrocław / Enter free //
01.04.2016, 15:00 // 08.04.2016, 18:00 // 15.04.2016, 18:00 // 28.04.2016, 18:00 //
The discussion programme, to be held within the Lviv Month event, invites guests and residents of the European Capital of Culture to talk about issues important both to Wroclaw and Lviv.
There are four scheduled public discussions with the participation of prominent historians, writers, sociologists, philosophers. In particular, the list of invited guests and observers includes Taras Wozniak, culture expert and political scientist, urban activist Przemyslaw Filar, literary critic Vira Baldyniuk, social activist Iryna Yaniv, writer Sofia Andrukhovych and others. Discussions will focus on the concept of the CITY phenomenon, i.e. its identity, politics, self-awareness, introspection and historical background of a modern city.
Simultaneous or consecutive interpreting (Polish/Ukrainian) will be provided for all discussions.