That text is written by a permanent Lviv Month In Wroclaw observer, Lev Krasnoludek, and it includes all possible and missed due to the circumstances, weather and pure desire to analyse the situation (all to the bottom) of the events in the course of the last two weeks. Krasnoludek was silent prolong two weeks, but it was worth to be prolonged.
Słodowa Island (Malt Island).
It’s an island-park for student grand gather-togethers from early night till dawn. As it was aptly noted by Grigory Semenchuk (Ukrainian poet, culture manager and its sincere promoter), that location is an ideal place to park (mean car parking) for all that incredible young staff, and then to move them to police departments. But nobody is going to do that. Why not? Because. All in all, currently Slodowa Island is one of the most alive, vivid, brightest places, that we've seen here, in Wroclaw.
The ONE PERSONALITY (no kidding), you should not miss the opportunity to meet in Wroclaw. If not – don’t worry. Ihorko is always ‘available’ at the Dzyga Culture Centre (Lviv), Ukraine). He’s a guardian angel of the Ukrainian Cross-Section exhibition, eternal revolutionary, the one who can speak Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, and sometimes even Portuguese languages, and Lev suspects, Ihorko knows many other languages. He can hold a full-blood curatorial excursion for ordinary people, but he does it very rarely. Why? Because.
Juri Romanovych – (Romanovych – father’s name). For 11 years Izdryk was not abroad. According to Izdryk Juri Romanovych, to get his visa, he had to finger print 40 times all the fingers of his hands, including ten toes. Izdryk reads lectures on brain power and creativity. Everyone understands him even without any translation. The last sentence was not correctly understood by the translator. So, find Krasnoludek somewhere in virtual spheres and ask him. Why? Because.
Krasnoludek / Polish mythological type of a gnome
Krasnoludeks are everywhere, always and forever in Wroclaw. Their favorite hobby is to poke fun at all the guests of the city, i.e. to hide the necessary for performances or exhibitions tools and instruments, to walk the corridors at night, and to steal the socks of the Lviv Month participants. Krasnoludeks are good and kind. Once Serhiy Petlyuk (Lviv artist and performer ) organised them a little cemetery, just to feel them normal and ordinary people. And don’t ask why.
Pani Hreborova
Pani Hreborova is one of the most mysterious persons of the Lviv Month in Wroclaw event. She’s everywhere and all-where, warmly patronizing all musicians, artists, and Lev Krasnoludek, in particular (especially his texts in Polish translation). Krasnoludek is interested, if she sleeps at all, and if – then where? Pani Hreborova is a perpetuum mobile energizer, and her hook can awake anybody, ready to miss radio or tv- interviews... They say, once, Lev Krasnoludek has seen Pani Hreborova to be asleep. After that accident he had to buy eye glasses.
Maryan Pyrizhok is a legend-talisman, or somewhat of that like creature, within the Lviv Month event. Leader of the HYZC Orkestr, artist. When he touches his guitar, all krasnoludks begin to dance, sing o just to listen – depending on the spirit of a song. Ukrainian poetry texts pronounced by Pyrizhok are absolutely relevant for any ears – either Canadian or Pakistan. That man can play guitar for hours; the impression is that his guitar is completely fused with him. Our digital era can do nothing with such artists, thanks God.
Sakralnyky / Ukrainian Sacred Art Representatives
‘Sakralnyky’ are, of course, the glory of the Lviv Month in Wroclaw event. Krasnoludeks would like to join their company, because those warm inside and cold outside (it’s really cold in Wroclaw) artists live in a psychedelic room, have suppers with pastors, and so on… But ‘sakralnyky” are able to hold brushes (tools for painting icons). Krasnoludeks – are not. Why? Because.
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