

The Bus Stop Lviv action held within the Lviv Month in Wroclaw event is the presentation of the unique panorama created by Janusz Witwicki (organizer: the Centennial Hall in Wroclaw).

The Plastic Panorama of Old Lviv was taken away from a vault in September last year, now it’s one of sights of artistic and cultural interest inWroclaw. The Centennial Hall has prepared a special space to exhibitan unusual installation, the main element of which is a model of the city of Lviv as it looked like in the mid-18thcentury. The model was made (very diligently and thoroughly) in the interbellum period under supervision of Janusz Witwicki, the known Polish architect and art historian. Many years of researches and modeling hard work through 1929-1946 have resulted in the creation of a unique Plastic Panorama of Old Lviv. The exposition is accompanied by contemporary multimedia project, depicting both Janusz Witwicki’s life story, and the dramatic post-war story of the Panorama. The exhibition is the result of collaboration with the National Ossoliński Institute; the invaluable model was housed in their vault.

The Bus Stop Lviv (to be established in Wroclaw Market Square nearby Lviv Street) will provide tourists buses to get to the Centennial Hall and view the Plastic Panorama of Old Lviv. As well as to get acquainted with the Centennial Hall history, and visit its Information Centre.

The tourist busses will also take visitors back to Wroclaw Market Square.

Besides, the Centennial Hall Information Centre presents The Model – Panorama Story (dir. Tomasz Orlicz, 63 min) documentary, depicting the unusual ‘fate’ of the Plastic Panorama of Old Lviv: its birth, postwar period and current exposition.


1.04. / 11:00, 13:00, 15:00

2.04. / 11:00, 13:30, 15:30

3.04. /  11:00, 13:00, 15:00

10.04. /  11:00, 13:00, 15:00

The programme will also include Family Workshops (parents/ guardians and children, 6-12 years old):

2.04. / 13:30-15:00 Let’s Model: City and Town (Plastic Panorama of Old Lviv)

9.04./ 13:30-15:00 Lviv-Wroclaw: Multicultural Cities (Plastic Panorama of Old Lviv)

16.04. / 13:30-15:00 Let’s Model: City and Town (Plastic Panorama of Old Lviv)

23.04./ 13:30-15:00 Lviv-Wroclaw: Multicultural Cities (Plastic Panorama of Old Lviv)

The exhibition can be visited with a guide in April on weekdays (more detailed information: www.panoramalwowa.pl)

The Bus Stop Lviv more detailed information, contact info:  www.centrumpoznawcze.plwww.panoramalwowa.pl

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